JoeDog::Config - A PERL5 configuration file parser. ABSTRACT: This is a autoloadable module which allows the programmer to read data from an configuration file into various perl data types, arrays, multi-dimentional arrays and hashes. COPYRIGHT is copyright 2005 by Jeffrey Fulmer & Tim Funk and it is covered by the GNU Public License. See COPYING for more details. INSTALLATION was built using perl Make::Maker utility If you are familiar with that utility you should have no problem with this installation as it will be familiar: $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test $ su $ make install USAGE use JoeDog::Config; my $cnf = new JoeDog::Config(filename); my @array = $cnf->get_column(); my @arrays = $cnf->get_columns(sep); my @aoa = $cnf->get_table(sep,num); my @aoa = $cnf->get_table(sep,[num1, num2, etc...]); my %hash = $cnf->get_hash(sep); my %hashes = $cnf->get_hashes(sep); For greater detail, see: perldoc